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BIFMA Certification

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Business and institutional furniture manufacturer’s association BIFMA is an international association which sets standards for furniture. BIFMA  Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association is an organisation which develops standards for institutional /office furniture. BIFMA was founded in 1973. BIFMA’s standards are recognised worldwide & these standards have been accepted & implemented by most furniture giants. Now BIFMA certification is accepted as a parameter of furniture quality & safety worldwide. Certification is one of few organisations worldwide which provide BIFMA testing & compliance services for different ANSI/BIFMA standards. If you are willing to know more about the BIFMA standard & its applicability on your product, you can contact us. Accredium is a pioneer BIFMA certification company worldwide. BIFMA developed a level to deliver an open and holistic means of evaluating and communicating the environmental and social impacts of furniture products in the built environment. 


level defines quantifiable performance standards for the areas of materials, energy and the environment, human and ecosystem health, and social responsibility to address environmental and social elements of product manufacture across the supply chain. Purchasing products that are level certified ensures that they were made in an ethical and responsible manner by a reputable producer. The American National Standards Institute developed the level designation, which is given to office furniture products that satisfy a number of requirements of the demanding, multi-attribute ANSI/BIFMA Furniture Sustainability Standard. An authorised third-party certification authority must validate your achievement before you can earn the level mark. BIFMA sponsors the development and refinement of standards, educates on their importance and application, and translates their necessary complexity into more easily understood and implemented formats. We promote sustainability throughout the life cycle of commercial furniture. BIFMA sponsors the development and refinement, educates on their importance and application, and translates their necessary complexity into more easily understood and implemented formats. We promote throughout the life cycle of commercial furniture. We offer and educational resources to our members and the public and to regulators, consumers, and international partners to foster value and innovation.

Instant Business Growth

Both small and large organizations can utilize this


More effective internal management

Reduced waste

A rise in production, efficiency, and profit

Reduces errors

Increased service and product quality

Improved delivery and production schedule
Annual evaluations uphold standards.
Benefits of BIFMA Certificate

The genuine sensations of tranquillity you have after purchasing a high-calibre item that has been thoroughly tested. The majority of BIFMA-assured products have a warranty of five years or more. These things contribute to a stable workplace, which can increase profitability and lessen injuries associated with the company. A product with BIFMA accreditation is guaranteed to be robust and long-lasting. Tragically, these models are intentional, so big-box retailers like Staples and Office Depot are exempt from having to follow them. With relation to workstations and racks, this might not make a significant difference, but it does so with regard to office chairs. Disregarding these standards means that these companies create cheap office chairs that are only meant to be used for a few hours and torture their customers. The level Certification Program is always improving, much like the standard’s continuous improvement process, but it cannot do so without the active participation of all parties involved. Credit Usage Surveys are periodically carried out to ascertain which impact areas have received the most attention from producers of certified items. The results of that survey are accessible upon request.

Our Advice

Assuming that you are considering how to get BIFMA Certification. If it’s not too much trouble, contact B2BCERT, a main worldwide organization giving interviews, confirmation, reviews, and other related help all over the globe. You can undoubtedly arrive at B2BCERT by just visiting where you can talk with a specialist or you can likewise compose an inquiry to so one of our masters will reach you at the earliest to give the most ideal arrangement on the lookout.

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